What are savings?

Savings is a part of your income/earnings that you keep aside for future use and do not spend on daily needs

It is this money that will save you on a rainy day or prepare you for your retirement.

Let us look at Rekha’s story to take inspiration

I save regularly!

I save regularly!

I work as a sales representative

I work as a sales representative

I left my sales job and started my own tailoring enterprise

I left my sales job and started my own tailoring enterprise
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    Do you want to know how Rekha managed the finances to start her tailoring enterprise?

    She used money from her savings!

Saving money from my income has made me financially secure

I have enough money for an emergency,

I can fulfill all my needs, and

I don’t have to borrow money.

Saving money from my income has made me financially secure

If Rekha can do it, so can you!

If Rekha can do it, so can you!

Keep reading to learn more about savings.

To understand why we need savings, read on

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