The plight of the characters played by Amitabh Bachchan and Hema Malini in this movie is a warning for all of us to be wise about our financial decisions. They selflessly spend all their savings on their children’s needs. But, in their old age, their children mistreat them and do not take care of them.
Learning: The movie teaches us to plan for our retirement and not depend on anyone, even our own children, for financial needs.
Do you know the story of Shravana Kumara from Ramayana? He is a dutiful son who tries to fulfill the wish of his blind old parents of going to Kashi yatra. Since the family is poor, they cannot afford transportation for the yatra. So, Shravana seats his parents in two baskets and carries them on either side of him, like a weighing balance. But, this story does not have a happy ending. He gets killed by king Dasharatha, who mistakes him to be an animal, in a jungle on the way to the yatra.
Learning: Like Shravana’s parents, you will have dreams and wishes for your old age too. But, don’t depend on your children to fulfill them, because you can plan for them yourself.
Paul the Apostle, in the Thessalonians in the Bible, tells us why it is important to be able to support ourselves and our families now as well as in the future.
Learning:Â In the letter, he tells us to work and save to avoid being a burden to others in the future.