Essentials of Financial Planning

Invest to Grow Money

Invest to Grow Money

Smart investments make your money work for you so you can reach your goals fast. They make your money grow.

Choose from different investment options like:

  • Fixed Deposits / Recurring Deposits
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF)
  • Gold bonds (SGB)

Saving and Investing Options

Saving and Investing Options

These are some safe saving and investing options to make your money grow:

  • Savings bank account
  • Societies or committees in registered banks
  • Fixed deposits
  • Recurring deposits
  • Post office account
  • Government schemes

Take loans only from banks, not local moneylenders.

To manage debt, plan and pay back in monthly installments (EMIs) rather than all at once.

Here is an example:

 Loan   Amount  Amount   paid  Balance  Timeline
 Bike loan  ₹
 Educational   loan
 Personal   loan

Buy insurance to protect yourself from uncertainties

Buy insurance to protect yourself from uncertainties

Different types of insurance provide coverage against different accidents and circumstances. Invest in one to secure your future.

Here is an example:

 Monthly   installments  Coverage
 Bike  insurance
 Health  insurance
 Life    insurance


Retirement planning

Retirement planning

Save and invest at least 20% of your income each month to build a retirement fund for an independent and comfortable old age.


Account for the increasing costs while calculating your retirement goals.

Use our Retirement Calculator to find out how much you will need to lead a comfortable life.

Track Your Expenses

Note down all your expenses in a book every day. At the end of the month, see where you spent most.

Here is an example:

 What?  When?  (due   date)  Total   paid   Amount   paid    Total   Amount
 Rent  3.11.2020  ₹3000  ₹1500  ₹4500
 Grocery  5.11.2020  ₹250  ₹0  ₹250
 Outside  food  10.11.2020  ₹30  ₹0  ₹30


Points to Remember

Points to Remember

Here’s a summary of everything you need to know to start your journey in financial planning and budgeting.

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    The four important steps of financial planning are:

    • making a budget,
    • setting savings goals,
    • investing and
    • managing debt
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    Budgeting means understanding our income and expenses with the aim of saving more

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    Set short, medium and long-term financial goals and plan for all of them

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    Always priorities needs over wants

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    Investments make your money grow and help you reach your financial goals

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    Plan and pay loan EMIs in installments rather than all at once

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    Plan to buy and pay for insurance plans to protect from uncertainties

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    Plan for a retirement fund that you can use in your old age

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    Track your expenses and make adjustments as needed


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