This iconic comedy movie revolves around Raju, Shyam and Babu bhaiya (Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal) getting cheated out of their money. They invest money in a scam scheme that promises to double their money in 21 days and lose all their money.Â
Learning: Although the movie has a happy ending, our life is not a movie and we should be careful where we invest. And, if we find out that we are being cheated, we should complain to the authorities and they will help us get our money back.
The reason for all the troubles of Mother India, played by Nargis Dutt, is a loan that was taken to pay for her wedding. Instead of charging one fourth of the crop harvest as interest, as was orally agreed upon while taking the loan, the moneylender charges three fourth the harvest. The village panchayat decides in favor of the moneylender, leaving the borrowers helpless and with a big debt to repay.
Learning: Don’t be like the characters in the movie. If we are wronged or cheated by the moneylender, we can make a formal complaint and our issue will be resolved. We must seek redressal to our problems with the correct regulatory authority.
This real-life scam is no less than a movie plot. A company ran a ponzi scheme promising high returns on investments.
Lakhs of people, mainly low-income earners from rural areas, invested and the company collected crores of rupees. But, the investors did not lose their money because an enquiry was set up by the regulatory bodies and the money was returned.
Learning: More than 4 lakh people got justice by getting their money back because of the grievance redressal process of the regulatory bodies. We must complain to the correct body too, to get a solution to our financial issues.