When you put money into your account, you are depositing money. The money you keep in your bank account for safekeeping are Bank Deposits.
Two ways of depositing money:
Eg. Rekha’s employer can transfer her salary from their account to Rekha’s account
Investments are what you do with your money to make sure that it grows as time passes.
You invest, in order to get a good return on the investment. You can invest in a company, in stocks or in government bonds.
If the company, stock or bond – called assets – shows good growth, your returns will be good.
To know about Investments, check out our Investment Guides
Money that you borrow is called a loan.
Loans should be paid back to the bank along with interest over a period of time. There can be many reasons to take a loan from the bank.
Depending on the purpose, banks offer these types of loans:
To know about Loan, check out our Loan Guides
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