Phone Banking Do’s and Don’ts for Security of Account


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    Always set up two-factor authentication for your net banking account, your social media accounts, and your email accounts.

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    Change your passwords every 90 days. It is a good practice to use passwords that are difficult to guess. Good passwords are long, i.e. between 10-15 characters and will include:

    – Capital letters and small case letters
    – Numbers
    – Symbols, like @,#,$,%,&

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    Update your phone’s software regularly.


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    Never accept merging calls to an unknown number or a conference call when on the phone with a stranger, especially if they pose as bank employees or from trusted companies.

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    Never share your OTP, PIN, ATM card number, CVV with anyone. Banks will never ask for this information on call.

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    Never share your net-banking login details with anyone. Even your bank will not ask for this information, and it is private only to you.

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    Do not use a public Wi-Fi network, or an internet cafe, when logging into your net banking account or using your banking app on the phone.

Points to remember:

Points to remember:

Here are some key takeaways from this section that you should remember.

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    Never share your OTP, PIN, ATM card number, CVV with anyone. Banks will never ask for this information on call.

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    Update your phone’s software regularly.

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    Set-up two-factor authentication for your net banking account, social media accounts, and email accounts.

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