Which Mutual Fund Should I Select?

Risk Profile

Risk Profile

The type of mutual fund you should select depends on:

  • your risk profile
  • the risk profile of your funds

Your risk profile depends on your:

  • age
  • income
  • location
  • dependents

To know how to measure your risk profile, read this guide.

How do you measure the risk profile of mutual funds?

You can measure the risk profile of mutual funds with the help of a riskometre. As its name suggests, it is a meter that measures mutual fund risk.

The five degrees or levels of risk measured by the riskometre are:

  • Low
  • Moderately low
  • Moderate
  • Moderately high
  • High

How do you measure the risk profile of mutual funds?
How is risk related to mutual funds investments?

How is risk related to mutual funds investments?

Basically, if a mutual fund has a higher level of risk, it is better to invest in it for a longer period of time.

Similarly, if the mutual fund risk is low or moderately low, they can give stable returns and are better for short-term investments.

Does the risk concern the returns or the invested amount?

Does the risk concern the returns or the invested amount?

  • The risk levels measured by the riskometre are on your principal (actual invested amount)


  • If the riskometre indicates high risk, it means there is an increased risk of loss from your principal amount invested in that mutual fund.


  • Therefore, it is better to understand mutual funds, the risk, terms and conditions well before investing. 

You must have heard this line spoken at the end of every mutual fund advertisement:

“Mutual fund investments are subject to market risk. Please read the offer document carefully before investing.”

Jump into next section to know about different mutual funds for different goals

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