You can pay insurance premium monthly, yearly or quarterly, as per the choice you make while buying the policy. So, understand your capacity and pick what you can comfortably pay.
Different insurance companies have different schemes and each scheme has different premiums. Compare the premiums before buying a policy.
Buying an Insurance policy at an early age will ensure that you pay a lower premium. So, what are you waiting for? Get planning!
Sum Assured is the money we get from the insurance company at the end of the policy term, or in the event of death of the policyholder. Decide how much Sum Assured you will need
Read the reviews and comments written by people about the insurance company on the internet and the company website. See if there are any negative comments or experiences.
Check whether claim settlement process is available both online and offline. Find out if it is easy to make a claim when in need or not. You can read customer reviews on the internet and the company website for this.
The Claim Settlement Ratio shows the number of claims which were settled by the insurance company out of all the claims which were raised in the year.
The Claim Settlement Ratio is published every year by insurance companies on their website. This is a good way of checking how easy and effective the claim settlement process of a company is.
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