What are the benefits of Insurance?

Benefits of Insurance


Tax Benefits

The premium or installments you pay for insurance policy is exempted from tax.
The life insurance money you get after a death in family is also exempted.


Loan Benefits

Active insurance policy can be used as proof of being a planner while taking a loan – help you get loans at lower interest rates.



In some insurance plans, the companies reinvest a part of the installment you pay into share market. So, you can see your money grow and have an insurance at the same time.


Long-term planning

In some insurance plans, you get your money back after a set time period. This money can be used for any purpose.

Quick Tip

Not all policies promise a money-back after maturity. Read the terms and conditions carefully while choosing a policy.

Points to remember:

Points to remember:

We need insurance because it gives:

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    Financial security to our families

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    Tax benefits

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    Loan benefits

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    Investment options

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    Lump-sum amount after end of Term

Learn more on what is an insurance policy

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