You need to pay additional costs like making charges and GST (Goods and Service Tax) while buying.
You cannot be sure of the quality and purity all the time.
You have to store it in a safe place to prevent theft.
You can only sell it at a jewellery store.
The value of your ornaments declines when sold (due to making charges).
It has emotional value; therefore, you might avoid selling it during emergencies.
You cannot quickly check the value of your physical gold. You have to visit the jewellery store to find in case of ornaments.
You don’t have to pay additional charges like GST and making charges on buying gold.
You only invest in the value of the purest form of gold.
It is in virtual form, so there are no chances of theft.
You do not have to take responsibility for keeping gold safe.
You can redeem your investments on maturity. Also, some virtual gold investments can be redeemed anytime.
No making charges deducted at the time of redemption.
You can check the current value of your virtual gold investment anytime.
It is easier to sell it than physical gold.
There is no concept of emotional value since it is in virtual form.
Gold investments can help you diversify your portfolio.
Returns on virtual gold are not volatile.