Phishing is a common manipulation tactic used for internet banking frauds.
It is used to steal your personal information through:
The attacker will gain your trust by pretending to be a known company, a friend, a relative, or a representative from a bank.
Try and remember
Have you ever received an email from the Coca Cola Company regarding a Lottery? Or, From some King or Queen of Uganda or the Prince of Buenos Aries about transferring their entire wealth to you? Or Has someone from a known brand like PayTM or Amazon or from a Bank called you asking your for card details?
Phishing messages include links that take you to harmful websites to steal your credit/debit card information, passwords, or identity.
In some cases, these links contain malware that attaches to your mobile devices, and then you’re contacted by the attacker claiming to be a “technician” who will fix the issue in return for a payment.
The attacker uses a previously sent email with a link to log into a website, embeds the link with malware, and resends it intending to infect your computer.
Email phishing scams often ask for immediate action to click on a link from an unsuspecting individual. Attackers make the email ID, the photograph, and the signature line of the email to look exactly like the organisation they are trying to copy so that you don’t suspect the mail at first sight.