How to Secure Yourself Against Vishing?

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    Vishers have been able to clone the same mobile numbers as legitimate companies and organisations in the past in order to set up successful attacks. So it is important to know that any bank or company will never ask for bank details or passwords on a phone call.

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    Always set up two-factor authentication for your net banking account, social media accounts, and email accounts.

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    Remove information about your address, phone number, or any other personal detail from your social media accounts.

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    Change your passwords every 90 days

    It is a good practice to use passwords that are difficult to guess. Good passwords are long, i.e. between 10-15 characters and will include:

    – Capital letters and small case letters
    – Numbers
    – Symbols, like @,#,$,%,&

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    Register your phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry (NDNCR)

    NDNCR will block most incoming spam calls and messages on your phone. Send an SMS that says “START0” to the number 1909

Points to remember:

Points to remember:

Here are some key takeaways from this section that you should remember.

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    Know that any bank or company will never ask for bank details or passwords on a phone call.

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    If a link sent on email or message looks suspicious, check the sender email and do not click on the link.

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    Register your phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry.

I hope you’ve noted all the important points to make sure you carry your internet banking transactions safely.

You can also learn about other internet safety measures in the next guides.

Continue reading to learn about email spoofing in the next section

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