
You need to invest your saved money to allow it to compound. Compounding will help in growing wealth and beating inflation

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    Investing and giving it more time to grow

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    Monitor progress to check if your are earning profit from the investment or not


Rekha says that When you monitor, you will know if your investments are growing at a desirable rate. Radha asks what is Comparing retirement goal and the growth. Will the growth be enough to meet your retirement needs. Rekha says If they are meeting your goals, very good. Now, you just need to continue saving and investing and wait for retirement. Radha asks what to do in case I am not happy with the growth, Rekha says no problem. Make adjustments to your investments. Don’t worry you will have enough time to still reach your goal.

Quick Tip

Save for the first 10 years of your working life.

Seal your deposits and do not withdraw.

Give your deposits time and see if they grow.

Continue reading to learn about the stage 3 which is Dis-savings!

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