For Gold ETFs, you need to buy at least one unit of Gold ETF.
The price per unit differs for different Asset Management Companies (AMCs)
For other gold mutual funds, you can invest through the Lump Sum or Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) route
The minimum investment required through monthly SIP can be ₹500/-. For some, it can be as low as ₹100 per month also.
You need to pay additional costs like making charges and GST (Goods and Service Tax) while buying.
You cannot be sure of the quality and purity all the time.
You have to store it in a safe place to prevent theft.
You can only sell it at a jewellery store.
The value of your ornaments declines when sold (due to making charges).
It has emotional value; therefore, you might avoid selling it during emergencies.
You cannot quickly check the value of your physical gold. You have to visit the jewellery store to find in case of ornaments.