How to Protect Yourself from Falling for E-commerce Scams?

Follow the measures given below to protect yourself from E-commerce scams:

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    Do not use a public Wi-Fi network when logging into your netbanking account or using your banking app on the phone.

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    Always set up two-factor authentication for your netbanking account, your social media accounts, and your email accounts.

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    Change your passwords every 90 days

    It is a good practice to use passwords that are difficult to guess. Good passwords are long, i.e. between 10-15 characters and will include:

    – Capital letters and small case letters
    – Numbers
    – Symbols, like @,#,$,%,&

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    Always update the firewall to its latest version. Install antivirus software, and use anti-spyware spam filters. These will automatically block a suspicious website from opening when you click on a fake link.

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    Update your phone’s software regularly.

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    Never share your net-banking details with anyone. Even your bank will not ask for this information; it is private only to you.

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    Never respond to smishing messages or click on the links provided in the message. Immediately delete the message once it looks to be spam.

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    Remove information about your address, phone number, or any other personal detail from your social media accounts.

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    Use websites like, to see if any of your personal information has been compromised, which will make it easier for attackers to gather information on you.

Following the above given practices can definitely help you stay safe. But what if you’ve already become victim to an E-commerce fraud?

Well, don’t worry. You can report the scam to ensure minimum damage as well as alert the authorities about the fraudsters.

In the next section, you can learn about how to report an E-commerce scam.

In the next section, you can learn about how to report an E-commerce scam

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