Writing a Complaint Letter

While writing a Complaint Letter on plain paper (stamp paper not needed) , keep the following in mind

The complaint must include:

  • Name and address of the complainant


  • Name and address of the insurance company/ financial institution/ bank/ opposite party


  • Date when product/service was bought


  • Amount paid for the product/service


  • Details of goods/service (reference number, etc)


  • Category of complaint.


  • Under which of these does the issue fall under:

          Unfair Trade Practice

          Supply of Defective Goods

          Deficiency in service provided

          Excessive charge of price

          Giving out personal information shared by the consumer 


  • Bills and receipts related to purchase of goods/services and any later transactions


  • Solution sought. Eg. Refund of payment, compensation for loss or injury, stop selling hazardous/defective goods, etc.


  • Signature of complainant (and agent’s signature, if applicable)

Here’s a sample complaint letter you can use:

  • If you are writing to the Ombudsman (Investigation Officer), use this format.
  • If you are writing to the Company, use this or this instead.

Points to remember:

Points to remember:

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    Consumer protection is the practice of protecting a buyer of goods and services from getting cheated.

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    Financial services and products like banking, insurance, ATMs, mutual funds, etc are covered under the consumer protection law.

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    Grievance redressal is the process of getting a solution to your problem as a consumer.

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    Consumer Protection Act is the law that protects consumers from defective products, dissatisfactory services and unfair trade practices.

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    The Consumer Protection act gives consumers rights like right to be informed, right to choose, right to be heard and right to redressal.

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    If these consumer rights are violated by the seller, a complaint can be made.

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    You can complain to SEBI about issues related to the stock market, to IRDA for insurance-related issues, to RBI for bank related grievances, to PFRDA for pension-related issues and AMFI for investments-related issues.

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